This 2015 action guide by the Annie E. Casey Foundation is a tool for helping foundations adopt a race equity lens in their grantmaking and operations. The seven steps in this guide provide a clear framework for undertaking this work.
This 2004 resource produced by the National Arts and Disability Center at UCLA provides guidance to cultural administrators on how to achieve accessible and inclusive programming for everyone, including people with disabilities and older adults.
This 2007 brochure published by the Disability Funders Network makes the case for integrating funding for people with disabilities into traditional program areas. It provides an overview of the tools and resources made available by the Disability Funders Network.
This statement of principles was developed to guide the leadership institutions of the D5 Coalition, setting an aspirational standard of operating practice as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The principles can be used as a guide for foundations and institutions as they engage in their own reflective process.
This 2009 toolkit by Funders for LGBTQ Issues provides frameworks and approaches for understanding racial inequities in Policies, Programs and Grantmaking.