This resource guide by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has been prepared as a shared tool for building a community of connected, informed and engaged practitioners. It provides practical resources that will assist those community-based organizations engaged in the fields of healing, equity and inclusion, diversity and the elimination of structural racism.
This 2011 report by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations makes the case that having an organizational commitment to widespread empathy allows grantmakers to base their decisions on an authentic, firsthand understanding of the perspectives of grantees, community members and other stakeholders
This 2012 report by the Association of Black Foundation Executives provides an assessment of the barriers preventing minority money managers from working in philanthropy and recommendations to the field.
This brochure written by Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy is a brief guide for starting a giving circle.
This 2012 publication from the Council of Michigan Foundations presents the practical knowledge and experiences of diverse individuals who have served on Michigan foundation boards and provides a compelling context for foundations seeking to build diversity and create an inclusive culture in the boardroom.