This 2013 landscape scan commissioned by D5 and conducted by JustPartners, Inc., reveals emerging trends within the philanthropic sector to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The full report includes a framework for change that includes indicators of DEI, models for change, and guidance for foundations. The full report is complemented by a Resource Guide […]
This 2013 resource guide is a companion piece to the landscape scan of the same title commissioned by D5 and conducted by JustPartners, Inc. The guide includes tools, resources, and models for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in philanthropy, at all stages in the process.
This toolkit by U.S. Administration on Aging is designed to help funders in aging, aging agencies and their partners to discuss how to provide better services for diverse older communities. It includes an organizational assessment, ways to identify community knowledge for organizational capacity-building, questions to guide inclusive service design and effective evaluation.
This 2011 report by U.S. Office of Personnel Management includes priorities, actions, and sample practices for workforce diversity, workplace inclusion, and sustainability.
This 2013 guide by TrueChild is designed to help funders address gender norms and gender equity in their grantmaking. The guide covers basic language, concepts, and background, as well as the challenges ahead and specific suggestions for program officers.