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Tag Archives: funding

Giving Black Boston: An Intimate Portrait of Black Stewardship in Boston

This 2015 report published by New England Blacks in Philanthropy (NEBIP) presents research on patterns of black philanthropy in Boston. The study is authored by Ange-Marie Hancock of the University of Southern California who also conducted similar research in 2011, Giving Black in Los Angeles.

Spring 2014 Update: D5 Activities & Events

Communications Training In May, more than 40 Philadelphia-area foundation staff participated in a communications workshop offered by D5 and Hattaway Communications. Participants learned the importance of being clear on audience (e.g., Fatigued Fighters and Heartfelt Pragmatists), and how to craft a message that effectively conveys the importance of advancing DEI in philanthropy. Conference Sessions In […]

Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future: Chinese American Philanthropy in the Bay Area

This 2014 companion report to For Generations to Come: Chinese American Philanthropy in the Bay Area provides a snapshot of findings and recommendations on how to further engage Chinese Americans in philanthropy.

For Generations to Come: Chinese American Philanthropy in the Bay Area

This 2014 report looks at the giving trends of Chinese American philanthropist in the Bay Area. The report provides demographic data, historically significant events, and trends that shape the giving choices of donors.

Population-Focused Funds: Positioning for the Future

This 2014 report by the D5 Coalition and the Bridgespan Group identifies multiple pathways toward greater sustainability and impact for population-focused funds. This research report highlights what is possible when population-focused funds find a unique and valued niche within their communities.