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Florida Legislation is a Slap in the Face to Nonprofit Diversity Advocates Everywhere

This 2010 blogpost written by Rosetta Thurman discusses the Florida law “that prohibits government officials from requiring that foundations disclose the race, religion, gender, income level, sexual orientation, or certain other characteristics of their employees and board members, as well as those of their grant recipients” and the effect of this law on those encouraging […]

Grantmaking to Communities of Color in Oregon

This 2010 report prepared by the Foundation Center for Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington uses the most comprehensive database ever assembled on Oregon foundation giving. It examines the extent to which grantmaking by Oregon’s 779 foundations reached the state’s communities of color, providing important baseline data about foundation giving in the context of the […]

Foundations Should Embrace Diversity and Effectiveness

This 2008, Keeping a Close Eye, blogpost by Aaron Dorfman, executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy discusses the need for foundations to increase the effectiveness of grantmaking in the community and the controversy surrounding proposed legislation in California (AB 624).

Florida Adopts Legislation to Protect Foundations’ Autonomy

This 2010 article written by Caroline Preston in the Chronicle of Philanthropy discusses the law “that prohibits Florida government officials from requiring that foundations disclose the race, religion, gender, income level, sexual orientation, or certain other characteristics of their employees and board members, as well as those of their grant recipients.”    

Embracing Diversity: Foundation Giving Benefiting California’s Communities of Color

This 2008 report is the first study commissioned by Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and San Diego Grantmakers to provide an overview of diversity in philanthropy in California. This report provides analysis of grantmaking by 50 of the state’s largest independent. This study  highlights the challenges associated with assessing the extent to which large […]